Sunday, July 4, 2010

Is it me?? or what his said was true??

                     it me?? i think it is about me..and i guest what ever his said was true...I am not good in handle boys...y?? i dont know..mybe one of u guys who read this can help me...This is the story........

                             It was...i dont know when..i lose it..but i know what happen..Aiyaiyai...

                            Camne erk?? klau tetibe mmbr anda(boy/s) kata..cer ckp elok2 ckit...which mean all this time kte bksr dgn dia..but not that worstla..juz poyo2..i hope u guys understand it..ala,teenagers..girl lak 2..ble bhdpn ngan boy msti r segan...n i  have my own way to hide it(prfasaan malu 2) dgn.....blagak poyo n kasar wlapun sbnrnye x...(ckit ada r kot hehehehe 2 kne tny kwn2)...

                            Sbnrnye sy ni..urm..i dont know...agk sensitif which i have 2 admit that sbb kwn2 slalu ckp mcm 2...It juz like i can know everybody feelings...SERIOUSLY!!...kdg2 sy dpt rsakan org 2 bkcl ati wlaupaun org 2 x ckp ngan sy....urmm....Back 2 the story...APA PANDANGAN ANDA??

                            How 2 handle it??

                           First,our reaction...adakh sy ptot mnonjolkan dri sy yg sbnr??? i guest not..huhuhu...y?? ntah x nk dorg aggp yg sy ni lemah,which it i'm not(ye ke??) sbb sy ni sbnrnye mcm yg sy kta td r,agk snsitif n sng nk ibu ngn ayah je yg tau sblum ni..but i guest now yg u guys pun da tau..hehehehehe...kdg2 cter je tp ngis x nk dorg (boys) aggp yg sy ni lemah...n tau yg ati sy ni cpt trusik...huhuhu...t sng dorg(boys) nk bdoh2kan sy wlaupun dorg 2 kwn kte...

                           So sbb 2 r sy buat2 poyo n ksr ngan dorg...but sy still amlkan amalan hormt mghormati ok...xde kurang ajr 2 no no...kmi brtolenrasi....huhuhukdg2 je dri yg sbnr sy tkuar..2 pun dgn boys yg x poyo ngn sy..hehehehe...x sume laki yg poyo 2 bkn kwn sy..half of my frens ada yg poyo tp nk wat cmnekan?? fren still a fren...even smetime we said...what a frens...huhuhu...

                           Seconds...should we(me n that boy who said the words above) berbaik?? hehehehe..kmi mmg baik pun..juz klau bjmpe msti x lain x bkn....BERPERANG...hehehehe...x tau npe...but i guest that what make our frenship more colourfull...huhuhu..i guest so...o i hope so lah...

                           Third,o i juz should beg his 4giveness to him 4 what that i treat him all this long..being rude...(i'm i??) n tell him the real one??? o i juz choose from this 2?? hurmm...what a complicated....rait??

                           or mybe i juz should  react like b4...keep fighting..hehehehehe...g pun it not all my fault n i am say that b'coz it is true...mamat 2 pun poyo gak....POYO POYO POYO!!!!...grrrrr...@!?/*&^%#$@)(?///$#!...huhuhu.....

                           YOU!!!..Yes u me solve my problem....i need ur opinion...huhuhu...PLEASE!!!...what would u say if u're in my shoes???......


Papermint said...

what to say.. hhmm.. always happen to girl.. caya lah.. sy dulu pon camtu.. slalu blagak ganas sbb malu.. tapi kekadang kite perlu bersikap begitu supaya takde yg sesenang buli kite...

tak salah bersikap begitu cuma kekadang harus kene pada tempatnya... hehheheh...

boys tegur kite itu tandanya:
- dia suka berkawan dgn kite or maybe dia memang suka kat kite..n hope kite leh ikut acuannya..
**jadilah diri sendiri.. tapi dalam sama jgn tunjukkan kelemahan diri terlalu banyak.. sbb kite taknak mereka berkawan dgn kite kerana kesian or simpati... dia suka anda kot.. heheheh

- mereka tak suka perempuan yg terlalu kasar sebab pada mereka perempuan should be gentle.. soft spoken.. dan apa2 lagi yg baik2 cam pompuan melayu terakhir
**sebenarnya..kawan yg baik adalah kawan yg boleh menerima kite seadanya.. kalau anda rasa teguran kawan itu menuju kearah kebaikan tak salah kite berubah... tapi jgn drastik... hehehhe... nanti nampak plak macam kite ikut telunjuk dia... dia suka anda kot.. heheheh

tapi kan... mengikukt pengalaman... selalunya.. lelaki yg suruh kite berubah sebab lelaki tu memang suka kat kite.. hehehehhe.. n nak kite menjadi pempuan sejati... supaya senang dia ngorat.. hahahhahah... so...siapakah menegur anda itu...???boleh saya tau...? saya nak 'interview' dia..

Fitrah Adnan said... way men!!..NONSENSE!!!...x mgkin ok

Papermint said...

eiy... u dah delete my komen ker..??? tak nampak pon

Fitrah Adnan said...

mna ada..ish3..u x nmpk ke ats ni pny pnjg..aiyaiyai...

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